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Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 31


I did the aerobic level 2 workout, then had to get ready for work without the additional treadmill time. I finished in 38 minutes again, which reminds me of a Stargate Atlantis episode of the same name. Well, 38 minutes is a special amount of time in the Stargate shows, because… never mind.


To summarize: Meals good, cake bad. Yes, I had a big piece of cake this afternoon. Fortunately, my meals were reasonable, so my calorie count went over by 200 or so, but not much more.

Health and well-being

I felt pretty lousy after that piece of cake, physically and mentally. I mentioned this a few days ago, but again I am reminded that I need to choose carefully when and why I want to eat like this. I exercise enough to be healthy, for sure, but I am not fooling myself into thinking I can burn off this many calories. I am reminded of one episode of The Biggest Loser where the contestants spent a few days training with the U.S. Marine Corps. They got back to the ranch and learned they had gained weight, despite their rigorous training, because they made poor food choices. Trainer Bob Harper’s response was something like, “Well, you can eat your way out of any exercise that you do.” That’s definitely worth remembering.

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