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Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 34


Today I tried something a little different while doing the resistance level 2 workout. I used a real pull-up bar, rather than the resistance bands I normally use for pull-downs. There is only one place in my house where the pull-up bar will hang, and that is not convenient when I am “working out early in the morn” as Tony likes to say. Since today is a Saturday, and I was working out a little later, it occurred to me to give it a try.

During the workout I am supposed to do two sets of pull-ups and two sets of chin-ups. Pretty basic when compared to P90X, but that’s fine for me right now. With the resistance bars, I usually do 17 or 18, pulling as hard as I can. In comparison, I can currently do 10 pull-ups or chinups without assistance, and then another three or four if I come down to the floor and go back up. I should try to do that more often, because it is cooler to be able to do real pull-ups, right? I can certainly feel and see the results from my resistance bands, at least.


I ended the day with a small calorie deficit, which is pretty good for a weekend. What seems to work best is having my pre-workout snack, doing some stuff around the house, then working out. My breakfast merges into my mid-morning snack (without the additional calories), and next thing I know, it’s lunchtime. I had a late-afternoon snack, which I sometimes skip on the weekends. Dinner and dessert were a little larger than usual, but they still fit pretty well into the day’s calories.

Health and well-being

I definitely need some rest this weekend. I skipped the caffeine today, and I know it’s not supposed to be a substitute for proper sleep anyway. Apparently that’s hard for me to achieve.

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