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P90X2 Day 23: Plyocide

I worked hard today. This was a fasted workout session, as recommended by Ben Greenfield (search for “Ben Greenfield Intermittent Fasting”) as well as the P90X2 Nutrition Guide. The idea is that if you eat three meals a day, and work out for an hour or less per day, even first thing in the morning your body should have enough reserve energy (glycogen) to last through the workout. I don’t do fasted workouts as often as I could, but on cardio days for some reason it’s easier for me to do them.

Exercise notes:

  • I was more coordinated on the Weighted Katherine lunge and Spartan Lunge
  • I did 11 plyo push ups after the Super Skater Kicks. Yes, I made some toe tapping mistakes, but it’s also nice to see my progress with the plyo push ups.
  • I was not very enthusiastic during the Depth Charge (step on/off the chair, and jump)
  • I did 8 Frog Burpee Hops, despite being tired at this point
  • I did 10 plyo pushups after the Single Leg Squat
  • I was really tired during/after P90 Cross Hop. Again, it’s harder than it looks!
  • My Flying Fighter Kick had good form, but I was tired
  • Despite my fatigue, I almost kept up with the final Set/Sprint/Plyo/Plank/Jump
I did the entire cool down and neuro-integrated stretch today. I think I am getting the hang of the technique: Pull in one direction while you push in the opposite direction, or something like that. It was definitely good for my tight hamstrings and hip flexors.
I just noticed several floor-to-ceiling angle camera shots during the workout. Why is that? Do they like the glare from the lights?

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