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P90X2 Day 24: Recovery and Mobility

I got through the entire DVD today, after a decent night’s rest. This was also my first full session with the new PVC-and-foam roller. I did my best to keep up with Tony Horton and “the kids.” Of course, Tony encourages us to take as much time as we need, but an hour seems long enough. The “before” and “after” for me when it came to the mobility portions of the workout was noticeable, but not miraculous. My squats were better, and my balance improved, but I was also warmed up from all that moving around on the roller. I think that’s an understated part of this recovery day, because you do spend a lot of time holding yourself up on your arms, or other challenging positions.

I ate a few more calories today, too. We get together with friends once a week, and there’s cake… That’s part of recovery too, I guess.

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