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P90X2 Day 26: Yoga

During Tony Horton’s introduction he says, “Don’t get caught up in being perfect.” That is a great reminder for me and other folks who aren’t so good at yoga. There are plenty of things in P90X and P90X2 that are difficult for me, but the proper form in yoga seems particularly elusive.

One of the warm up exercises which appears in this workout and others is called Swingers. Interesting name, right? Well, it’s just swinging your arms back and forth while keeping the lower half of your body steady.

I made it through the first 20 minutes (moving Asanas) pretty well. I was a little behind the pace of the DVD, but my shoulders held out through most of the Downward Dog repetitions.

During the middle section, the transitions from Warrior 3 to Half Moon to Reverse Half Moon, I am still having a difficult time. Maybe I am worn out from the first part of the workout. I am doing OK with the Warrior 2 Lunge and Triangle pose, as well as the Runner’s Stretch and Single Leg Hamstring Stretch. No splits for me yet!

In the final 20 minutes or so, I am doing OK but not great on the abdominal exercises (Who came up with the Abrinome?). It’s good to see some of the same stretches (Frog and Pigeon) that are used in Recovery and Mobility.

I wonder if my heart rate monitor is working right. If I am below my minimum “exercise” heartrate, it doesn’t seem to add those calories to my total. A lot of the time during yoga I am staying still or trying to relax, but I’m not dead, so I’m still expending calories, right?

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