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P90X2 P90X3 Cast Profile: Ted McDonald

Ted demonstrates a Reverse Half Moon

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Full Name: Ted McDonald

P90X2 Introduction: Ted has been practicing and instructing yoga for… A long time. Tony Horton introduces Ted as the person who helped to develop the X2 Yoga workout. As you can imagine, Ted is demonstrating the more difficult version of each exercise. Some of us (ahem) don’t really need that level of difficulty right now, but thanks for showing us how it’s done! (December 2013 update: Ted is back for more yoga in P90X3!)

Current: Ted is the owner of 5 Point Yoga, with two locations in Malibu, California. His About page lists his athletic accomplishments, business ventures, and of course his involvement with Tony Horton in the P90X One on One series, and P90X2. I wonder what he does in his spare time? I guess that’s why he likes yoga so much. It helps him to relax!

My Comments:

I suffered through P90X yoga, when I did it at all, for several rounds, until I finally made my peace with the idea that yoga is in fact a beneficial part of my fitness routine. When P90X2 came along, I was ready to put my best effort into the new yoga workout. It certainly helped that it was shorter (60 minutes instead of 90), and the tricky balance moves had been removed, since there is so much of that in the other P90X2 workouts anyway. I’m happy to say that Ted’s new (and improved?) yoga workout is one I will be willing to do even when I’m not going through a full round of P90X2.

Official/Personal Websites:

About Ted (5 Point Yoga)
5 Point Yoga (YouTube)
Twitter @5PointYoga
5 Point Yoga on Facebook (friend request required)
Brief Bio @ TEDX Malibu

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