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Yoga with The Kloons (Humor)

My experience with yoga has been mixed. To be honest, when I first started with P90X a few years ago, I was so uncomfortable with the idea of yoga that it took me a few weeks to even try it. Nowadays, it’s a weekly ritual. I don’t love it, but I appreciate the benefits of increased flexibility, improved coordination, and reduced stress. At least, I hope I am achieving those things, from one week to the next, as I follow along with one of my yoga DVD workouts, usually X2 Yoga from P90X2. (It’s about an hour long, compared to the P90X 90-minute workout.)

There’s a YouTube comedy team called The Kloons, who made a couple of yoga-related videos. In Yoga Thoughts, we listen to what’s going on in the minds of some typical yoga students. At least, that’s what I would imagine a yoga class to be like, if I actually did this stuff in a public place.

Warning: They use some explicit language!


In Tit for Tat, a conversation after yoga class takes an interesting turn. (More strong language here!)


Do love yoga, hate it, or have you been avoiding it like I did for so long?


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