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FWF: Health (Free Workout Fridays)

Last week I wrote about an article from my favorite site for calorie counting and diet-related information,‘s Calorie Count. When I first started using the site in 2009, I wasn’t looking for free workouts. Workout DVDs were my new favorite thing, and I had plenty to keep me occupied for 30-60 minutes each […]

FWF: DIY Circuit training by Calorie Count (Free Workout Fridays)

Two circuit training methods (

I owe a debt of gratitude to the Calorie Count website (part of Recently I celebrated four years since I reached my goal weight while using Calorie Count as my online food journal. A few months before that, I was featured as a success story on the […]

FWF: FitStudio by Sears (Free Workout Fridays)

Recently I discovered a website called FitStudio by Sears. This is “an innovative heath and fitness community” (according to the site’s About page). Seriously, though, there’s a lot of interesting stuff here: A community you can join, as well as information about diet/nutrition, exercise, and motivation. There’s also a blog, and help for finding a […]

FWF: HASFit (Free Workout Fridays)

Choose to Work Out (

Choose to Work Out (

When I first saw the tagline for the HASFit website, I knew I would like it right away. “The Best Free Workouts.” I mean, come on! You know I love free workouts! As a matter of fact, this month I am using free workout sites rather than a […]

FWF: FitnessBlender (Free Workout Fridays)

"Sweat Like You Mean It" Workout

“Sweat Like You Mean It” Workout

Recently, one of my Facebook friends shared this “Brutal HIIT Ladder Workout” (note the word “brutal” in the title). This was my introduction to the FitnessBlender website and YouTube channel. I really like the way they produce their videos. First, there’s a commercial to pay the […]