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8 Weeks to SEALFIT: Week 1 On-Ramp

Barbell Overhead Squat (

My nemesis! Barbell Overhead Squat (

OK, this is it! After Preparation Week, I have completed my first “real” week of SEALFIT training. I started with the On-Ramp level, as recommended even for those who might think it’s easy. I am humble enough to say that even after several rounds of P90X and […]

8 Weeks To SEALFIT Preparation Week

(Amazon affiliate link)

I’ve started a new workout program. Actually, Commander Mark Divine says 8 Weeks to SEALFIT is a training program, “passionately applying carefully conceived principles to develop yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually.” It is based on Divine’s Navy SEAL experience, adapted for civilians who want to get in shape, as well […]