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P90X2 Day 86: P.A.P. Upper, Ben Greenfield Talks PAP

I was not optimistic about today’s workout, to be honest. I went to bed late, woke up an hour early and didn’t really get back to sleep before the alarm clock beeped. I got busy with some things before getting started, as the clock ticked away. So I rushed into P.A.P. Upper with barely enough […]

P90X Day 85: P.A.P. Lower

I didn’t sleep enough last night. I was dealing with some “stuff” at home, so I started late. Time to use all the catch phrases, right? Press Play. Get your mind right. Do your best, and forget the rest. Bring it! Oh, and of course, for P.A.P. Lower, “Find the line!”

I guess the workout […]

P90X2 Day 80: X2 Yoga

My shoulders are sensitive today! This has been a problem near the end of every round of P90X, and apparently P90X2 is no different. I took a break in Child’s Pose in between each of the Single/Double/Triple, but I did not skip any Vinyasas.

The Warrior 3 sequence was less shaky this week. I’m not […]

P90X2 Day 68: P.A.P. Lower

Today’s goal was to get through more of the workout than I did on my first try last week (maybe even all of it). I wanted to believe that given the proper amount of time, I could make it.

During the warm up, I am reminded of the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred as I […]

P90X2 Day 61: Recovery Week, Day 5

Since I skipped yoga yesterday, today it was time to get it done. Besides, I have an early start to my day planned for tomorrow, so I’m not sure I will fit it in.

As I mentioned a few days ago, I suspect I have been doing the Downward Dog position incorrectly for quite a […]