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Weekly Update April 4-10


Monday I did the usual (for the past few weeks) Striver’s Aerobic Level 2 and 15 minutes on the treadmill. It’s nice that some of these exercises work the core, too.
Tuesday Chest and Back: I completed the entire workout and about two-thirds of Ab Ripper in my allocated 60 minutes. That’s progress, compared to completely skipping Ab Ripper.
Wednesday I completed Plyometrics, with a headache! More about that in “Health and well-being,” below.
Thursday Shoulders and Arms, plus some Plyo squats, and my scaled-down Ab Ripper, in 1 hr 10 mins flat. Historically, this used to be my most time-consuming workout!
Friday I did Yoga X again! For 60 minutes, of course. Still, it’s getting to be a habit.
Saturday Legs and Back: I did both sets this time. No Ab Ripper though. I had to get up early to fit this in today. Because of the early hour, I didn’t use the pull-up bar (which is in the bedroom hallway). Instead, I pulled hard on the resistance bands, as usual.
Sunday No workout today, but I could have used one!


Monday +127 Dinner was a little high because of dessert, but otherwise I did OK.
Tuesday +54 Breakfast and morning snacks were 800 calories? I need to balance my meals better.
Wednesday +628 We had Chinese food for dinner with my parents, who were visiting. We like to use these family reunions as an opportunity to relax our healthy habits.
Thursday +17 I had lunch with my parents at Bertucci’s, but it was a salad with grilled chicken. I can’t recommend too much on their menu calorie-wise (or for the sodium content), but the salads are pretty good. I ate a couple of those dinner rolls, too, which didn’t help.
Friday +597 OK, I fell off the wagon (again?). For our usual Chinese food lunch, I brought leftovers from home, but maybe just a little too much food. I kept my other meals the same, instead of compensating.
Saturday +134 Not too bad, in comparison, and today was a resistance training day, too. Still, I would like to get back to a strict calorie limit, rather than this plus and minus business. Dinner was large (950 calories) but my food choices were pretty good today. I made a “stew” of vegetables I had in the fridge, and I plan to eat that for lunch several days during the coming week.
Sunday +1087!? Really!? Basically, I was on the “see food” diet today. We had the usual Sunday morning goodies, lunch at a sit-down burger place with my family, and what started as a light dinner of “vegetable stew” turned into a buffet of snacks and dessert. Ugh. Not a great way to end my weekly update.

Health and well-being

Monday I started the week with a headache, feeling like someone was stabbing the left side of my forehead. I’m not sure if it’s because of my sinuses, which didn’t feel clogged, or maybe too much caffeine yesterday.
Tuesday The headache continued today. I am wondering if the guarana I added to my protein bars might have been a little too much caffeine.
Wednesday I was still experiencing the headache until mid-afternoon, when I took a nap (and some ibuprofen). All better now! Until I figure out the situation with the caffeine content of my protein bars, I am cutting my portions in half. Live and learn.
Thursday I’m glad the headache is gone! Half a homemade protein bar plus half a Zone Perfect bar seems to be a good combination for a pre-workout snack, too. A little pick-me-up, but not too much.
Friday I’m glad that despite the late night, I got up and did yoga. I keep reminding myself that if I do the first part of the moving asanas, plus Yoga Belly Seven, that’s an ab workout! I like the stretches, too.
Saturday I had to get up early to fit in my workout! I had a 9 AM rehearsal, which is essentially the same schedule I have on a weekday for work. Ugh. I had to cut out Ab Ripper for today.
Sunday I tried to sleep in, but woke up early and rolled around for a while, then slept. I give that a C+ for feeling rested. I should have fit in some kind of fun activity today, and less eating, but oh well.

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