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P90X2 Day 73: Yoga

Note: This blog entry is about today’s workout. I can’t find any information online about Shawna Brannon from X2 Yoga (below), but check out the rest of my Cast Profiles, also on Pinterest.

I made sure to stay on schedule today, and I got started ASAP so I could make it to the end.

Exercise notes:

  • During the Single Double Triple, I lost my rhythm on a couple of the Vinyasas. I need to count how many of those we do in this workout. I bet it’s out there somewhere already.
  • Chair Pose feels like Chair Pause to me, because it’s so quick. I’m not complaining, exactly, but you have to keep moving along.
  • The Warrior 3 sequence was not greatly improved this week
  • I did OK again in the Crane pose, and I managed to stay off my head this time.
  • I followed along with the Plough to Shoulder Stand, but not so well

I got all the way through to the end of the session this time. Mission accomplished! See you next week, Shawna! And (uh, of course) Tony, and Missy/Melissa, and Ted… Is it possible this is Shawna Brannon, Tony’s girlfriend? I can’t find confirmation anywhere, but Shawna on the DVD looks very similar.

P90X2 Tip of the Day: It’s OK to pause the DVD and back up to find the right rhythm, or take a break while you watch and figure out your next move.

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