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P90X2 Cast Profile: Dale X2 Core

Dale demonstrates the Half Angel

Full Name: Dale Bramall

P90X2 Introduction: He started at 280 lbs when he purchased Power 90, lost 75 lbs, gained some back, bought P90X, and never turned back. Tony says Dale reminds him of the Tip of the Day for X2 Core: Time, Patience, and Practice.

Current: Dale is a Team Beachbody coach who won a runner-up prize of $50,000 in a Team Beachbody Challenge for P90X. He has overcome a lot of physical and personal challenges to achieve success in his fitness and coaching career.

My Comments:

I don’t mean to be rude, but this guy is insane! A quick look at his Facebook page reveals his recent fitness adventures: Running (training and races), early morning workout, possible triathlon training soon, switching from running to biking his way to work, looking forward to the release of Beachbody’s new program Body Beast…

What I like about Dale is his honesty. His Facebook page includes this recent entry: “Note to self…. 1 microgreen salad does not negate a week of POOR nutrition …” The profile page on his Team Beachbody coaching site talks about his ups and downs over the past six years, too. It hasn’t been all successes, but he has rolled with the punches and come back to the good habits of exercise (6-7 days per week!) and healthy eating… most of the time.

Official/Personal Websites:

Team Beachbody Personal Biography
Team Beachbody Coach Page
Facebook Page
2008 Million Dollar Body Game Winner (includes his biographical essay – a must read!)

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