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Body Revolution Cast Profile: Lana Titus

Don’t forget to check out all my CAST PROFILES!

Lana’s so fast, she’s a blur!

Full Name: Lana Titus

Video Introduction: Jillian mentions on several occasions that Lana has three kids. Jillian has also told us that her video athletes are chosen to inspire us. Lana is inspiring and motivating moms to get in shape […]

Are Jillian Michaels DVD Workouts for Men, Too?

Natalie says: It’s harder than it looks!

As I read the search results leading to this blog, occasionally I see people (presumably men) looking for information about Jillian Michaels workouts for men, or suitable for men. I can definitely respond to this topic, since I am a man who has lived through several Jillian […]

Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Phase 3 Cardio 3

High Knees with Rotation

When I started Phase 3, which on the Body Revolution schedule corresponds to week 9, it was time to do the Cardio 3 workout, twice a week. In the previous Phases, I had a little energy to spare some days after my resistance workouts, so I might have squeezed in […]

Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Cast Profile: Natalie

Caught Cheating! Shred Level 2

Full Name: Natalie Yco (also credited as Natalie T. Yeo)

30 Day Shred Introduction: Jillian Michaels isn’t big on introducing people in her videos, but we meet “My girl Natalie” as the one who will be performing the more difficult version of the exercises… most of the time. Once […]

Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Phase 2 Weeks 7 and 8

Overhead Press with Leg Raise

Things are getting really serious lately with the Body Revolution Week 7 and 8 workouts. I mean, it was tough before, because I was going for the more difficult moves, or putting in the extra effort where possible. As a matter of fact, there were days that I did […]