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Fitness Humor on Pinterest

Exercise inspiration from a mouse!

Just go to, and type in the search fitness humor. Yes, it’s really that simple. You will find an interesting cross-section of the graphics and pictures you see everywhere, such as the “Overly Manly Man” meme:

Overly Manly Man on Pinterest

There are a variety of viewpoints about fitness represented, too. For […]

Booty Pop (Humor)

Booty Pop by Chad Wild Clay (YouTube)

I am a fan of music parodies, so whenever I find one that is even remotely fitness-related, you know I am going to post it for my Monday fitness humor feature. This one will appeal to fans of the Black Eyed Peas, or people who want to make fun of them. I don’t know if […]

P90X for the younger generation (humor)

P90X Baby Edition

P90X Baby Edition

I love P90X. I love my kids too, and I remember how much of a struggle each of their “firsts” was for them. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a workout program so babies can “Bring It!” too? Well, this guy seems to have done it. I’m a little […]

When Healthy Eating Leads to Madness (Humor)

In The Terrible Tragedy of the Healthy Eater, blogger Erica Strauss descends into madness as she follows the healthy eating “wisdom” provided by the Internet to its logical conclusion. Prior to her research on the Internet, she thought she had a healthy and “clean” diet. As she learned from various websites, there was something wrong […]

Joe Bovino and the “Average Guy’s P90X Diary” (Humor)

Two P90X Diaries: Tony vs "Average Guy"

Two P90X Diaries: Tony vs “Average Guy”

A lot of the stuff I have published in the “humor” category has been around a while before I’ve seen it. (Thousands of YouTube views, for example.) This is probably the first time I’ve had “breaking news” on my Twitter feed and Facebook group. Very exciting!
