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Round 4, Week 13 The End and the Beginning

For me, P90X round 4 is ending with a whimper rather than a bang. I did both sessions of Core Synergistics, I skipped Kenpo and had a mediocre treadmill session instead. Yes, I skipped yoga, just to be consistent (or something). I will add that I still enjoy Core Synergistics after all this time. From the first recovery week, it reminded me of my previous workout experience with Jillian Michaels DVDs. Before Tony came into my life, there was Jillian, for the better part of a year. Despite my problems this round, I did enjoy recovery weeks.

I feel a little sad and disoriented as I put away the DVDs and worksheets, for now. Actually, I like to follow the Plyometrics warmup routine before I use the treadmill, so the DVDs will stay nearby, but I will give the workouts in “Bring It!” the old college try for at least a month. I need to reset myself so I can make progress, rather than just holding on.

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