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Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 30


I finished the Striver’s level 2 resistance workout in 60 minutes. I was working hard, too. I still want to see a video of someone completing it in 40 minutes. The good news is that I can imagine a time, maybe a couple of months away, where I will outgrow my 20 lb adjustable weights for certain exercises. Yes, 20 lbs. I know, Tony uses bigger ones. I’m getting there. I guess it’s good news except for the fact that I need the money for new weights, right?


I ate surprisingly well today, considering what I’ve been eating for the past week. I had oatmeal with whey powder and cranberries for breakfast, my usual protein bar snack, a light lunch of bean soup with ham and an apple, then a sort of ham sandwich on rice cakes and hummus for a late-afternoon snack. I had quite a few calories left, so for dinner I had yam black bean chili (with ground turkey), and dessert was plain yogurt, whey powder, flaxseed meal, and a banana. People often say when they are dieting, that if you choose the right foods, it’s amazing how much you can eat.
Between dinner and bedtime, I made a big pot of soup, using vegetables I had in the fridge, some chicken breast, barley, and lentils. I am looking forward to eating that for lunch.

Health and well-being

30 days! In one sense, I am happy that I stuck with it this long, except for those days I was sick. Compared to the end of P90X round 4, this is much more consistent. On the other hand, I am conceding defeat on the “dietary cleanse” part of the program. I was ready to give it the old college try, for at least two meals a day, but maybe I picked the wrong month for it. I think the closest I got to a cleanse was the days I skipped dessert and ate fruit instead. It’s a start.

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