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Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 39


Resistance workout day! I started out tired again, but made it through in just under an hour. I guess Tony was right when he said that “A lot of people quit sooner than they should.” Maybe that will give me some motivation when I do my next round of P90X.


Today’s debate: Hot dog, or no hot dog? I was headed to Costco at lunchtime, but I already had my healthy soup in the fridge. Some people might say, “Never eat a hot dog. Ever. Again.” I am not one of those people, but since I am on a little bit of a calorie roller coaster, I should really try to be good when I can. In the end, I decided against the hot dog.

I haven’t had a Costco frozen yogurt since I started on this program, either. Although the cleanse didn’t happen for me, there are certain lines I haven’t crossed. Says the guy who eats cake at least once a week. Seriously, though, I realize now that certain foods, like a hot dog, or pizza, cause me to crash in a way I decided to avoid, at least for today. I ended the day at -100 calories. So there.

Health and well-being

I slept through the night for about 7 hours. Woo hoo! I need more of those nights, though. I get tired a little too easily in the middle of the day, and I know it’s because of a sleep deficit.

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