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Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 40


On NOT yoga day (ha ha), I walked/jogged 40 minutes on the treadmill. Last night was a late one, as Thursdays often are for me, so this was my preferred workout again. I really need to check out that 10-minute stretch routine! I think I could cover the parts I like about Yoga X by doing X Stretch instead. Sorry, Tony.


Long story short: +400 calories today? Really? It was a combination of Chinese Food Friday, for which I picked another “moderate” option (cashew chicken), but then had a higher-than-average dinner. Ugh. This might be why I am not looking super-ripped by now. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention the cake at work. Maybe I should just quit my job? No, that’s not it…

Health and well-being

It’s the weekend! I am looking forward to a good night’s sleep, and hopefully better calorie control. I also plan to set up the pull-up bar for another try. Good times.

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