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P90X2 Day 63: Recovery

I did not do any foam rolling today. To be honest, my fitness-related activities included updating this blog, playing with my son, and previewing the P90X2 P.A.P Lower DVD for tomorrow. I’m curious to see how the Phase 3 schedule works for me, because on the surface it looks repetitive, to be honest:

Day 1: P.A.P. Lower
Day 2: P.A.P. Upper
Day 3: X2 Yoga
Day 4: Rest or Recovery and Mobility
Day 5: P.A.P. Lower (again)
Day 6: P.A.P. Upper (again)
Day 7: Rest or Recovery and Mobility

The theme for Phase 3 is Performance. Let’s see what happens. Tune in tomorrow to find out what P.A.P. means.

P90X2 Tip of the Day: Tony always has a trick up his sleeve, so don’t judge a workout schedule by your first impression.

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