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P90X2 Day 86: P.A.P. Upper, Ben Greenfield Talks PAP

I was not optimistic about today’s workout, to be honest. I went to bed late, woke up an hour early and didn’t really get back to sleep before the alarm clock beeped. I got busy with some things before getting started, as the clock ticked away. So I rushed into P.A.P. Upper with barely enough […]

P90X Day 85: P.A.P. Lower

I didn’t sleep enough last night. I was dealing with some “stuff” at home, so I started late. Time to use all the catch phrases, right? Press Play. Get your mind right. Do your best, and forget the rest. Bring it! Oh, and of course, for P.A.P. Lower, “Find the line!”

I guess the workout […]

P90X2 Day 84: Recovery, mini-golf, and overeating

Keeping with tradition, I did no exercise and no foam rolling today. I did venture outside for a game of mini-golf with my family and in-laws, on a sunny pre-spring day. I’m sure that it didn’t burn too many calories compared to my usual Sunday activities. The late lunch at the diner didn’t help, either. […]

P90X2 Day 83: Tony Horton One on One Upper Body Balance

I previewed the last of my “Base” P90X2 DVDs last night, and gave it a go today. Technically, I guess the One on One DVDs are considered to be a bonus. The One on One: Upper Body Balance workout is like a preview of a the P90X2 Phase 1 exercises, just like the “4 Legs” […]

P90X2 Day 82: P.A.P. Lower

During today’s warm up, I conquered the not-so-tricky-looking Fire Hydrant stretch. Yes, it looks like a male dog going to the bathroom, so it should be obvious. The sequence goes: Leg sideways and up, then foot back, then leg down. After a few repetitions, it is reversed: Foot back and up, then foot sideways, then […]