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P90X2 Cast Profile: Collette, Where Are You?

Note: Looking for more info about Collette? I created a new cast profile page: CLICK HERE

Lots of people are searching my blog for information about Collette from P90X2, the former Olympic-style weightlifter and current Beachbody employee, as featured in X2 Ab Ripper and X2 P.A.P. Lower. “Lots of people” relatively speaking, of course, given the small number of daily visits to my blog so far.

I have collected some scattered info about “Collette, the French Italian,” but the trouble is, it’s not the same as an official website or even a reference to her work in P90X2. It’s more like the kind of thing you’d find if you were Googling someone before going on a date (uh, no thanks) or a job interview (not hoping for that either). I’m not publishing anything until I find a more fan-friendly site, which Collette seems to need as she becomes a workout DVD celebrity.

If you are Collette, know Collette personally, or professionally, please pass the message along. I would be glad to update my blog with the appropriate information.

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