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P90X2 Cast Profile: Collette, Where Are You?

Note: Looking for more info about Collette? I created a new cast profile page: CLICK HERE

Lots of people are searching my blog for information about Collette from P90X2, the former Olympic-style weightlifter and current Beachbody employee, as featured in X2 Ab Ripper and X2 P.A.P. Lower. “Lots of people” relatively speaking, of course, given […]

Bring It! Warrior Phase 1 Week 5, and a Shred

It’s been a crazy week! My intention was to follow the Bring It! Warrior 1 sequence again, but then, as they say, “life happened.” Here’s a summary:

Monday: Plyocide, without as much energy as last week, but still pretty good.

Tuesday: Resistance. I ran short on time but still gave it my best effort, and […]

P90X2 Cast Profile: Dale X2 Core

Started with Power 90 when he weighed 290 lbs Lost ? lbs, gained some back, did P90X and never looked back