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P90X2 Cast Profile: Wayne P.A.P. Upper

Full Name: Wayne Wyatt

P90X2 Introduction: He’s an orthodontist who credits Tony Horton and P90X for his current level of fitness. “Bald is sexy,” says his wife. Accused by Tony of “Holding up America, Wayne!” when he delayed a set of the Step Up Hammer Press. I’m sure he didn’t mean to do it. […]

Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Phase 1 Workouts

Kick-outs on one foot

Someone at my house decided to purchase Jillian Michaels Body Revolution, which is Jillian’s latest workout program, as well as her first 90-day program for daily exercise and weight loss. Disclaimer: I am not the target market for this program! As Jillian told a caller on a recent episode of […]

30 Day Shred or P90X? Tony Horton or Jillian Michaels? A Comparison

In the search statistics for this blog, I have noticed some people are looking for comparisons of 30 Day Shred (by Jillian Michaels) and P90X (by Tony Horton and Beachbody). As stated in the tag line for my blog, I have completed both programs, as well as other workouts by Jillian and Tony, so I […]