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P90X2 Cast Profile: Melissa Costello X2 Yoga

Double Pigeon pose? No problem!

Full Name: Melissa “Missy” Costello

P90X2 Introduction: Tony Horton introduces Missy, corrects himself to say Melissa, then gives up and calls her Missy for the rest of the workout. She is Tony Horton’s personal chef. It just so happens that she has been practicing yoga for many years, and she’s good enough to hang in there with Tony and yoga instructor Ted McDonald. Pretty impressive! Tony also points out that she maintains her fitness and muscle tone with “90 percent yoga” in her workout schedule. I don’t think that’s the fitness routine for me, but Tony has taught me to appreciate the benefits of yoga as part of my weekly workout plan.

Current: Melissa is a vegan chef and nutritionist. Her website Karma Chow provides information and services related to nutrition and wellness coaching. There is a blog, as well as recipes, videos, an e-book 7 Steps to a Karma Chow Kitchen, and a list of nutritional and coaching services Melissa provides, including a dietary “cleanse.” Melissa promotes a vegetarian diet containing “whole food” ingredients.

My Comments:

I was introduced to Melissa’s recipes prior to seeing her in P90X2, when I read Tony Horton’s book Bring It! The fitness plan described in the book includes a nutrition guide, as well as suggested recipes from Melissa. I prepared several recipes while I was following the Bring It! workouts, and liked them a lot. Now that I’m thinking about it, I need to pull out the book again, and make some more!

Melissa’s YouTube Channel (also called karmachow) is a great place see Melissa talk about nutrition and health-related topics, such as overcoming emotional eating, and video clips of other motivational speakers (including Tony Horton, of course!).

Official/Personal Websites:

Featured in Tony Horton’s book Bring It! Also, pre-order her cookbook, The Karma Chow Ultimate Cookbook (available October 2012).

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