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P90X2 Cast Profile: Jeremy X2 Total Body

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Full Name: Jeremy Yost

P90X2 Introduction: Tony Horton says, “If you don’t know this guy, you live under a rock!” Jeremy has a fused ankle due to a previous injury. He’s a Beachbody coach who joined Tony on a QVC (at-home shopping network) show. He lost 180 lbs with P90X modified for his needs, and now he’s in a P90X2 video demonstrating the “travel” modifications. He also coaches 60 people at work. (Was Tony supposed to say that? Well, he said it!)

Background and Current: The details of Jeremy’s success story are available on his website. At the beginning of 2009, his weight had reached 370 lbs. His ankle was crippled by arthritis at the site of a football-related injury. He admits that he had given up on his health and fitness at that point. Some friends had been using P90X, and encouraged him to do the same. You can read the details, but after three rounds of P90X, he had undergone some dramatic changes, and won Beachbody’s award for Top Male Transformation of 2009. He has become an inspiration to his children, Beachbody team members, and the U.S. military on a visit with Tony Horton in 2011.

My Comments: Most people have experienced an injury or other physical challenges that would discourage them from exercising, or from attempting certain specific exercises. Jeremy is a living example of Tony Horton’s constant reminder to modify exercises when necessary to get through the workout. On his website, in addition to the Beachbody product and coaching information, it’s great to see opportunities to interact with Jeremy and other team members in a user forum, as well as other social media sites listed below.

Official/Personal Websites:

Personal Website (includes a discussion forum, blog, and links to Beachbody products and coaching)
Facebook (subscribe or friend request)
Facebook (Jeremy Yost Fitness page)
Twitter @JeremyYost1
YouTube JeremyYost1

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