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P90X2 Cast Profile: Jason X2 Shoulders and Arms

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Jason’s working out, while Tony rocks out

Full Name: Jason Scheff

P90X2 Introduction: Tony calls Jason a “big shot rock star.” He lived the same apartment building as Tony in Santa Monica, CA for six months a long time ago (1983), when they were both just starting out in their careers. Look how far they’ve come!

Background/Current: According to his YouTube page, since 1985 Jason has been the tenor lead vocalist and bass player for the band Chicago. He is a genuine rock star, folks! He’s also worked with other well-known groups and artists, including  Earth Wind & Fire, Elton John, Gino Vanelli, and Boz Scaggs “just to name a few” as Jason puts it. He is also a Team Beachbody coach. His profile page mentions that he was a personal training client of (guess who?) Tony Horton from 1989 through 1992. He has completed 8 rounds of P90X (maybe more by now?) and at least one round of Insanity.

My Comments:

You can tell that Tony and Jason have known each other a long time. Since he is used to the spotlight, Jason is very comfortable in front of the camera. Also, far from being “found in a bath of alcohol and booze” as Tony curiously describes the fate of some rock stars, Jason is passionate about health and fitness. I guess the company you keep really does make a difference.

Official/Personal Websites:

Facebook (Like)
YouTube (JasonScheff)
Team Beachbody

Websites Featuring Jason

Chicago (official band website)
IMDB Biography
Blog post about Jason by P90X2 cast member Traci Morrow

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