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Calorie Count and my weight loss success

Before (Spring 2008) and after (Spring 2013)

Before (Spring 2008) and after (Spring 2013)

I have mentioned the Calorie Count website a few times in blog posts, as an important part of my health and fitness journey. Before I started calorie counting in 2009, my attempts at portion control, using Weight Watchers Points, and “eating healthier” just weren’t working.

Around that time, a podcaster friend mentioned his recently formed habit of calorie counting  using his iPhone. Well, I didn’t have an iPhone (still don’t) but I went online to find an alternative, because I liked the idea of using an online food journal to easily look up calorie and nutrition information. I looked at MyFitnessPal and the NutritionData website (now part of I was also familiar with and their extensive collection of websites on various topics. It turned out they had a health/fitness site devoted to calorie counting and weight loss, and I already had an account created, so I figured I would give it a try. That’s how my use of Calorie Count started, in July 2009.

Today I was excited and honored to be featured as a weight loss success story on Calorie Count’s blog. There you can read more details about my slow (and not so steady) journey to gain and then lose 50 lbs of excess weight, with a quick burst at the end thanks in part to calorie counting. As of today’s weigh in, I am still at my goal weight, and thankful to have found so much support along the way.

3 comments to Calorie Count and my weight loss success

  • That’s awesome, congratulations! I used to use the Livestrong website and app for calorie counting. I haven’t done it in a while, though. It did help me a lot with making eating choices and 3.5 years later, I still remember a lot of what I learned about controlling myself from it.

    • Congratulations, Colleen! You are our first non-spam commenter (since I moved to my own website). *FANFARE* *APPLAUSE*

      It’s great that you used calorie counting to keep you on track. A lot of folks I know use other sites like LoseIt or MyFitnessPal. I can’t participate in all those sites at once, but I do know a couple of people on Calorie Count.

      I count calories on most days now as a way to “budget” rather than for weight loss. I like to know if I am having some dessert that I can fit into a reasonable calorie allowance for the day.

  • […] Ravenscraft was talking about calorie counting on his podcasts, so I created an account on the Calorie Count website to see how my eating habits could be improved. I kept a tight rein on my calorie intake, […]