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Beachbody Insanity Cast Profile: Adriana

Don’t forget to check out all my CAST PROFILES!

Adriana, how do you feel?

Adriana, how do you feel?

Full Name: Adriana Falcon

Video Introduction: Shaun T worked with Adriana in the Hip Hop Abs workout program, and then Insanity. Shaun T checks on Adriana from time to time during the Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit. She’s doing great, and during a set of  Tricep Dips, Shaun T asks “How are you feeling?” In the most honest response I have heard so far on a workout video, she says, “I feel like sh*t!” She did a great job working through the pain, that’s for sure.

Background/Current: In addition to her work in Shaun T.’s fitness videos, Adriana’s biography lists many credits as a dancer, theater performer, and dance instructor. She has taught and performed in the Boston area, New York, Washington, D.C., and far from home in Macau and Hong Kong.

My Comments: As Han Solo once said of a certain princess, “She’s got spirit.” Dancers like Adriana and Tania are unstoppable (well, almost) in the Insanity workouts. Also, I am teasing about Adriana’s difficult moment in the photo above. Check out her Photo Gallery for some happy pictures too!

Official/Personal Websites

Personal Website (includes a Dance Reel page featuring her projects)
Facebook (friend request only)

Websites Featuring Adriana

NYC’s Performing Arts Collective (P.A.C.) – Faculty page
Joy of Motion Dance Center (Washington, D.C.) – Faculty page

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