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Radio Host Jim Rome on P90X (Humor)

Jim Rome (TV appearance on Showtime)

Jim Rome (TV appearance on Showtime)

One of the members of the Facebook group P90X with Joe Bovino told me about some P90X-related humor from an unexpected source: Sports radio. I’m unfamiliar with those radio stations, but apparently Jim Rome is a big name on CBS Sports Radio. He also completed a round of P90X in 2010.

The links below are audio-only clips from The Jim Rome Show, where he discusses his two “favorite” P90X workouts. I share his feelings about Yoga X, but I have always liked Plyo X (as much as one can like it, that is).

Have you heard any other radio personalities talk about P90X or other workout programs? Let me know! I am always on the lookout for fitness testimonials, especially funny ones!

Jim Rome on P90X Plyometrics (YouTube/audio only)

Jim Rome on P90X Yoga (YouTube/audio only)

The Jim Rome Show

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