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FWF: Frugal Fitness (Free Workout Fridays)

Frugal Fitness founder Mike Schiemer

Frugal Fitness founder Mike Schiemer

While searching for fitness-related humor, I came across a video posted by the Frugal Fitness website. Since my fitness budget is on the small side (one of the reasons I work out at home!), I thought this website might also be a good “free workout” pick. The site was created by Massachusetts-based personal trainer Mike Schiemer.

I looked at his Free Workouts page, of course, which provides links to his YouTube channel. His workouts are in categories: Bodybuilding, “Women’s Workouts” (which he demonstrates, ironically), Weight Loss, etc. I found quite a few Cinder Block workouts, including the one below. I like total body workouts, and this perfectly demonstrates the idea of a free workout: A guy in a parking lot, with a cinder block (cement block), doing some basic exercises. No equipment, no gym… No excuses!  It’s only five minutes long (including a warm up). You can increase the repetitions and number of sets as much as you want.


I didn’t have a cement block handy, so I substituted a 20 lb weight, and modified a few of the exercises. This was a Sunday “bonus” workout for me, so I did four repeats of the circuit (about 20 minutes total).

In addition to the free information, Mike sells e-books and other products, so check out the Frugal Fitness website for more!

And here’s Mike again, sharing some funnier moments:

Related Websites

Frugal Fitness (blog, recipes, personal training info, e-books, etc.)
Frugal Fitness TV
(YouTube: MyFrugalFitness)
Facebook (Mike Schiemer Like page)
Twitter (@MikeSchiemer)

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