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Ben Greenfield’s upcoming book (in progress!)

Ben Greenfield Fitness website

Ben Greenfield Fitness website

I’ve mentioned Ben Greenfield and the Ben Greenfield Fitness podcast many times in this blog. You might be interested to know that he is working on a book which is a biography of his health/fitness discoveries as they relate to his sports activities and general well-being. One example: Those bodybuilders you see on stage probably feel miserable, and they are putting their health at risk if they follow the traditional nutrition and workout habits. Ben was a bodybuilder for a while, and he has also competed in tennis, been a spin instructor (cycling), and most recently he’s known as a triathlete and sports performance coach/nutritionist.

Check out Ben’s blog for links to all the chapters available so far. He’s looking for comments to make the book even better.

Update, Oct 2013: Order the book from Amazon!

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