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Fitness Humor on Pinterest

Just go to, and type in the search fitness humor. Yes, it’s really that simple. You will find an interesting cross-section of the graphics and pictures you see everywhere, such as the “Overly Manly Man” meme:

Overly Manly Man on Pinterest

Overly Manly Man on Pinterest

There are a variety of viewpoints about fitness represented, too. For instance, this one is encouraging you to work out:

Hurray for running!

Hurray for running!

On the other hand…

Skipping yoga again

Skipping yoga again

These can be inspirational, or encouraging if you need a laugh and a gentle push to start your workout. They can also be used to justify bad behavior with a snarky laugh. I suggest that you look to Pinterest for fitness inspiration in this case, rather than an excuse to skip yoga. Not that I’ve done that a few times. OK, more than a few. Certainly not six years in a row. Oh, look, it’s a mouse doing exercise!

Exercise inspiration from a mouse!

Exercise inspiration from a mouse!

Other interesting Pinterest searches:

Tony Horton Meme

Workout Meme

Leg Day

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