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FWF: DIY Circuit training by Calorie Count (Free Workout Fridays)

Calorie Count Circuit

Two circuit training methods (

I owe a debt of gratitude to the Calorie Count website (part of Recently I celebrated four years since I reached my goal weight while using Calorie Count as my online food journal. A few months before that, I was featured as a success story on the site. I’ve been using the site all along as a tool to maintain my weight, and the site’s features allow me to track my macronutrient ratios (while I have been increasing or decreasing protein/carbs/fat over the years),  as well as other statistics.

I also subscribe to the Calorie Count email newsletter, which features diet and exercise topics, and posts from the site’s blog. A few weeks ago, they published the ultimate free workout: Do-It-Yourself Circuit Training. Similar in concept to the Scientific 5-Minute Workout, this article shows us how to design our own exercise circuit, using a time limit (30 seconds per exercise) or “The 10 x 10” which is 10 exercises, 10 repetitions each.

This idea of creating your own workout can be useful if you are traveling, looking for ideas to change your workout routine, or want to enhance your current workout schedule.

Do you ever create your own exercise circuits or workouts?


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