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8 Weeks to SEALFIT: On-Ramp Week 2 (Strength)

The SEALFIT schedule includes strength training four days per week. Unlike P90X, which is primarily “body split” training (upper body one day, lower body the next, etc.), SEALFIT uses a specific barbell lift as the focus for each day. For example, there are overhead presses, deadlifts, squats, etc.

The overall goal of the program is to increase the body’s durability and the ability to carry heavy loads. For the “On-Ramp” phase, the recommended repetitions are done within a certain weight range. More advanced phases use 10-rep, 5-rep and 1-rep maximum weight as the recommendation. In the introduction to this week’s workouts, Mark Divine emphasizes proper form and risk of injury if the weight chosen is too heavy. For example, his own injuries have occurred while attempting 1-rep maximum weight lifts, so he recommends focusing on 10-rep, 5-rep, or even 3-rep lifts instead.

The workout time this week was 1 1/2 hours per day on average. I used the lower recommended weights, which some might say are for the women, but then again at my age I also fall into the category of a “Masters athlete” so I will take what I can get. It wasn’t easy no matter what you call it!

In general, workouts started with the mobility drill (15 minutes), then body weight/aerobic  exercises and maybe some strength training warm up. After that, strength training on certain days (5 reps x 5 sets, with the recommended weight). Then came the Work Capacity section, with anything from lunges to burpees to medicine ball slams to pull ups… Something different every day. At the end was the Durability section, which for now is yoga or shoulder mobility exercises. One day was “Grinder PT” for 20 minutes, including a variety of bodyweight exercises, then a recovery run.

Now it’s getting serious! The barbell lifts take more coordination than I expected, when you have to get the bar off the ground safely, up to your shoulders, and then lift it overhead a certain way. That will take some practice.

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