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P90X2 Day 32: Shoulders and Arms

As a teenager, I rode my bike a lot, and in the last couple of years of high school I was a cross country runner. My exercise choices at the time might have contributed to my “98 pound weakling” look, which in my adult life translated into a guy with no upper body muscle, and […]

August Update

Hmm, it’s been a while (once again). Don’t worry, it’s not because I have abandoned the good habits Jillian and Tony taught me. On the contrary, I have continued to work out on a regular basis, I seem to be making progress on my slowly expanding waistline, if that makes sense, and […]

Still Hanging In There


Well, it’s been three weeks, and it’s great to be back! I’ve been hanging out with Jillian Michaels more than with Tony Horton these days, reading Jillian’s book Unlimited, listening to her podcast (which, unlike the Beachbody podcast, is NOT a wholesale infomercial), and revisiting the 30 Day Shred workout DVD. I’m even […]