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P90X2 Day 50: Chest, Back, Balance and Ab Ripper

50 days! Let’s call that another milestone! I started out the week on a high note, following my birthday weekend with a vacation day, which gave me plenty of time to do my workout. I had a pretty good night’s sleep, too. I got into the Chest + Back + Balance DVD with the motivation […]

P90X2 Day 49: Recovery and My Birthday!

Today is my birthday. I don’t think I am going to use a foam roller today, and I’m probably not doing much of anything else, really. Last night my family took me out a little early for a special dinner, and today’s calorie count is likely to be very high, too. Exercise and healthy eating […]

P90X2 Day 48: Base + Back and Ab Ripper

Wow, I just noticed that fake group conversation as Tony is giving us an introduction to the workout. How did I miss that before?

Today’s goals were to pull hard on my pull downs, with the same bands as last week, and to keep up the pace as much as possible with all the back-and-forth […]

P90X2 Day 47: X2 Yoga

This is another one of those “better late than never” days. More specifically, I completed 40 minutes of the 66-minute workout. I got through the beginning section, including all the moving Asanas. My shoulders are still bothering me at times. The good news is that when I actually listened to what Tony Horton was saying […]

P90X2 Day 46: Shoulders + Arms and Ab Ripper

When I woke up today, for some reason I guess I thought it was Friday instead of Thursday, so I went down to the basement without any shoes on and almost got started with P90X2 Yoga. Oops! Fortunately I realized my mistake before putting in the wrong DVD.

My goal today was to lift as […]