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P90X2 Day 8: X2 Core

During the warm up for today’s X2 Core, I tried using my homemade substitute for a foam roller, the 2-liter soda bottle full of water. I guess it works OK in a pinch. I understand the benefits, but I am still skeptical that it’s the best time to do it.

Today I started using my […]

P90X2 Day 7: Rest and Recovery

I dealt with some self-inflicted computer problems all day today. It was a good day for a rest, and that’s what I did. More P90X2 tomorrow, for sure!

P90X2 Day 6: Total Body and X2 Ab Ripper

First, a reminder: This is the DVD I postponed from Day 4 until now, because I wanted to allow myself enough time to do both the main workout and the new Ab Ripper. I might speed up as I improve, but today the whole thing took me 1 hour and 45 minutes. The total of […]

P90X2 Day 5: Yoga

During my first round of P90X, a couple of years ago, I skipped Yoga X for the first several weeks. At first, I wasn’t sure I wanted to try it, then the lengthy workout (90 minutes!) seemed to be too much for me to learn it, then I finally decided to give it a try. […]

P90X2 Day 4: Balance and Power

If you are reading other P90X2 blogs (It’s OK, I won’t be upset), you may have noticed that I am doing the Balance and Power workout on day 4, rather than the recommended day 6. That’s because I want to allow extra time for the Total Body workout, followed by the new and, um, different […]