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I Do My Ab Ripper At Night (So I Can, So I Can)

Bobby, Alphonso, Tony and Collette doing Scissor Twist

I have a confession to make: During seven complete or partial rounds of P90X, I didn’t complete the Ab Ripper portion of the workout nearly as much as I should have. In fact, as I got several weeks into the 90 day cycle, I would do […]

30 Day Shred or P90X? Jillian Michaels or Tony Horton? Part 2

P90X ( link)

In Part One, I talked about my experience with workout DVDs by Tony Horton and Jillian Michaels, provided some background information about Jillian and Tony and how their experience influenced their workout styles, and then listed many of the DVDs they created. In this post, I want to compare how […]

P90X2 Fit Test (At Last!)

Let me start with a question: Does anyone besides me have difficulty actually scheduling a P90X Fit Test? I mean, it’s not the same as a regular workout. There are pictures (which I sadly never take), there are real pull ups (which I can only do at one inconvenient location in my house), there are […]

P90X2 Day 83: Tony Horton One on One Upper Body Balance

I previewed the last of my “Base” P90X2 DVDs last night, and gave it a go today. Technically, I guess the One on One DVDs are considered to be a bonus. The One on One: Upper Body Balance workout is like a preview of a the P90X2 Phase 1 exercises, just like the “4 Legs” […]

P90X2 Day 53: Shoulders + Arms and Ab Ripper

Wow, I thought it was Yoga Day again this week, instead of Shoulders and Arms. I don’t think I am coming to appreciate yoga that much. Maybe I am trying to rush the week along? Unfortunately, I slept late again, and skipped my early morning snack, thinking I was headed into a (slightly) shorter workout.
