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P90X2 Day 49: Recovery and My Birthday!

Today is my birthday. I don’t think I am going to use a foam roller today, and I’m probably not doing much of anything else, really. Last night my family took me out a little early for a special dinner, and today’s calorie count is likely to be very high, too. Exercise and healthy eating […]

P90X2 Day 46: Shoulders + Arms and Ab Ripper

When I woke up today, for some reason I guess I thought it was Friday instead of Thursday, so I went down to the basement without any shoes on and almost got started with P90X2 Yoga. Oops! Fortunately I realized my mistake before putting in the wrong DVD.

My goal today was to lift as […]

P90X2 Day 23: Plyocide

I worked hard today. This was a fasted workout session, as recommended by Ben Greenfield (search for “Ben Greenfield Intermittent Fasting”) as well as the P90X2 Nutrition Guide. The idea is that if you eat three meals a day, and work out for an hour or less per day, even first thing in the morning […]

P90X2 Day 2: Plyocide = Plyo + Homicide?

As P90X fans may have guessed, this workout is the next generation of the Plyometrics workout, combining the signature jumping and hopping exercises with the use of only one leg, or a medicine ball, to add the new emphasis on “functional fitness.” I already like this approach better than the original, because the P90X version […]

Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 40


On NOT yoga day (ha ha), I walked/jogged 40 minutes on the treadmill. Last night was a late one, as Thursdays often are for me, so this was my preferred workout again. I really need to check out that 10-minute stretch routine! I think I could cover the parts I like about Yoga X […]