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FWF: Bodylastics on YouTube (Free Workout Fridays)

Bodylastics (

Bodylastics (

I am a fan of the Bodylastics brand resistance bands. I have been using them for my workouts (particularly P90X and P90X2) when doing pull downs as a replacement for pull ups, because my basement has a low ceiling. Besides the pull down, there are so many exercises which can be done […]

P90X2 Cast Profile: Christina Boyce (P.A.P. Upper, Chest, Shoulders and Tris)

Full Name: Christina Scafati Boyce

P90X2 Introduction: A registered nurse, and mom of five, including twins. Also a Team Beachbody coach.

Current: You can add Certified Personal Trainer and Performance Enhancement Specialist to her impressive qualifications.

My Comments: Christina is tough. Another super-fit P90X2 mom! She’s demonstrating the resistance bands moves, but in this […]

P90X2 Fit Test (At Last!)

Let me start with a question: Does anyone besides me have difficulty actually scheduling a P90X Fit Test? I mean, it’s not the same as a regular workout. There are pictures (which I sadly never take), there are real pull ups (which I can only do at one inconvenient location in my house), there are […]

P90X2 Day 86: P.A.P. Upper, Ben Greenfield Talks PAP

I was not optimistic about today’s workout, to be honest. I went to bed late, woke up an hour early and didn’t really get back to sleep before the alarm clock beeped. I got busy with some things before getting started, as the clock ticked away. So I rushed into P.A.P. Upper with barely enough […]

P90X2 Day 76: P.A.P. Upper

After yesterday’s comment about my yearning for foam rolling, I did extend the foam rolling during the warm up to include both arms and legs. That hit the spot (or spots), I guess.

Let’s try a summary by complex this time around. Remember that the P.A.P. workouts contain two “complexes” of four moves each, […]