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P90X2 Day 72: P.A.P. Upper

Since I like to joke about the fake huddles or “arriving at the gym” seen at the beginning of many P90X videos, I want to compliment Tony and the kids for this unique intro, in which Tony props himself on the shoulders of the two men. That’s thinking outside the box, at last!

Have I […]

P90X2 Day 65: P.A.P. Upper

My first impression of P.A.P. Upper was “Look at all that equipment, again!” It’s an upper body workout (duh!), so we need the pull up bar, pull up assist, and/or bands, hand weights, towels, the foam roller, plus some items normally associated with the lower body (the plyo box and stability ball), and the weighted […]

P90X2 Day 55: Base + Back and Ab Ripper

It’s the weekend, and we had a family gathering planned. I was short on time, and I consumed a lot of calories today (by my own choice, of course). I knew this going into the workout, so I did my best to make it count.

I still couldn’t decide between pull downs in the kneeling […]

P90X2 Day 53: Shoulders + Arms and Ab Ripper

Wow, I thought it was Yoga Day again this week, instead of Shoulders and Arms. I don’t think I am coming to appreciate yoga that much. Maybe I am trying to rush the week along? Unfortunately, I slept late again, and skipped my early morning snack, thinking I was headed into a (slightly) shorter workout.


P90X2 Day 48: Base + Back and Ab Ripper

Wow, I just noticed that fake group conversation as Tony is giving us an introduction to the workout. How did I miss that before?

Today’s goals were to pull hard on my pull downs, with the same bands as last week, and to keep up the pace as much as possible with all the back-and-forth […]