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Bring It! Warrior Phase 1, Week 4

Four weeks into this round of Bring It! workouts, I am reminded again that time flies when you’re having fun. Wait, am I having fun? Well, I can see that I’m making progress, based on my worksheet, and that’s fun. Here are some exercises that have improved this week:

Tick Tock Lifts: I did all […]

Bring It! Warrior Phase 1 Week 3

Note: This blog entry is about my workouts for the week. I can’t find any information online about Shawna Brannon from X2 Yoga (below), but check out the rest of my Cast Profiles, also on Pinterest.

I was very pleased with my workouts this week, except for oversleeping on Wednesday. Oops! I guess I needed […]

Bring It! Warrior Phase 1 week 2

This week started out a little differently. On Easter Monday, we were traveling home from a family visit, so I didn’t have the opportunity to do my usual workout. On Tuesday, I slept in to recover from the weekend. I did my best to take some five-minute workout breaks at the office (jumping jacks, etc.). […]

Bring It! Warrior Phase 1, Week 1

As I mentioned in my P90X2 recap, I wanted to try something a little different after the many weeks of P90X2 workouts. Just as I did in February 2011, after a round of P90X, I am switching to the similar-but-different workouts found in Tony Horton’s book Bring It! Last time, I did the Striver Level […]

P90X2 Day 91: Recovery and Results (Get It?)

For those who don’t get the joke in the title: During every P90X and P90X2 workout, or most of them at least, Tony Horton recommends Beachbody’s Results and Recovery Formula (a powdered drink intended for use during or after a workout).

After giving it some thought, I need a break now that I’ve passed the […]