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Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 41


I set up the pull-up bar, and did my resistance level 2 workout. I only did the two pull-up sets using the bar. By the time I got to the two chin-up sets in the second circuit, I was too worn out to bother with the bar. I did make my best effort using […]

Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 40


On NOT yoga day (ha ha), I walked/jogged 40 minutes on the treadmill. Last night was a late one, as Thursdays often are for me, so this was my preferred workout again. I really need to check out that 10-minute stretch routine! I think I could cover the parts I like about Yoga X […]

Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 39


Resistance workout day! I started out tired again, but made it through in just under an hour. I guess Tony was right when he said that “A lot of people quit sooner than they should.” Maybe that will give me some motivation when I do my next round of P90X.


Today’s debate: Hot […]

Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 38


I did aerobic level 2, plus 20 minutes on the treadmill. Sometimes it’s more walking than running, but it’s still a good addition to the workout.


I had oatmeal with whey powder and a banana for breakfast, chicken and veggie soup for lunch, and chicken curry for dinner, as well as some reasonable […]

Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 37


For the resistance workout, I went back to my old resistance band, after breaking the new one, which was mounted to the door on a Velcro belt and hooks. One of the hooks broke when I was doing my pull-downs.

I am consistently 30+ pushups per set now. I try to do 10 at […]