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P90X2 Cast Profile: Christina Boyce (P.A.P. Upper, Chest, Shoulders and Tris)

Full Name: Christina Scafati Boyce

P90X2 Introduction: A registered nurse, and mom of five, including twins. Also a Team Beachbody coach.

Current: You can add Certified Personal Trainer and Performance Enhancement Specialist to her impressive qualifications.

My Comments: Christina is tough. Another super-fit P90X2 mom! She’s demonstrating the resistance bands moves, but in this […]

P90X2 Cast Profile: Sean (Chest + Back + Balance, V Sculpt)

Push Up Side Arm Balance on Med Balls. Nice socks!

Name: Sean Callahan

P90X2 Introduction: Sean is featured in two of the P90X2 workouts: Chest + Back + Balance, and V Sculpt. He is a Beachbody coach, and has become one of Tony Horton’s “Sunday workout buddies.” (December 2013 update: Sean is back for […]

P90X2 Cast Profile: Collette, Where Are You?

Note: Looking for more info about Collette? I created a new cast profile page: CLICK HERE

Lots of people are searching my blog for information about Collette from P90X2, the former Olympic-style weightlifter and current Beachbody employee, as featured in X2 Ab Ripper and X2 P.A.P. Lower. “Lots of people” relatively speaking, of course, given […]

P90X2 Cast Profile: Dale X2 Core

Started with Power 90 when he weighed 290 lbs Lost ? lbs, gained some back, did P90X and never looked back

P90X2 Cast Profile: Monica X2 Shoulders + Arms

Don’t forget to check out all my CAST PROFILES!

Doing the Arnold Press on one leg

Full Name: Monica Parodi

P90X2 Introduction: She is the “Mom of the Day” as Tony says, with three kids, including twins. She is also “an Independent Star Diamond Beachbody coach.” I suspect that means she has helped a […]