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Jillian Michaels Criticizes P90X on Exercise Recovery

DVD 3-pack (Amazon)

If you’ve read the tag line of my blog, you know that Tony Horton and Jillian Michaels are two big fitness icons in my life. I started with Jillian’s DVDs after clocking a lot of hours on the treadmill, and she taught me there was more to workouts than cardio. After […]

P90X2 Round 1 Final Recovery Week

This is it! The final week of P90X2 Round 1. I am optimistic that there will be a round 2, but not right away. I have learned my lesson about back-to-back rounds of P90X leading to burnout, at least for me. Of course, P90X2 is different, as I have discussed all along, with a greater […]

P90X2 Day 88: Recovery and Mobility

Today, my toughest move was the Step Back Lunge. Really? After all this time, I can’t step back with one foot while twisting my upper body in the opposite direction? Some days are better than others, I guess.

I watched The Biggest Loser again while foam rolling. It’s not as motivational as it was when […]

P90X2 Day 84: Recovery, mini-golf, and overeating

Keeping with tradition, I did no exercise and no foam rolling today. I did venture outside for a game of mini-golf with my family and in-laws, on a sunny pre-spring day. I’m sure that it didn’t burn too many calories compared to my usual Sunday activities. The late lunch at the diner didn’t help, either. […]

P90X2 Day 81: Recovery and Mobility (and TV)

I finally got away from following Tony and the Kids during the foam rolling section of Recovery and Mobility. After rolling my arms and legs while watching The Biggest Loser (on Hulu), I turned the DVD back on for the last 20 minutes of mobility exercises and stretching.

I am getting really curious about the […]