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P90X2 Day 70: Recovery and Status Check

I didn’t do any foam rolling today, and I wasn’t very active either. I found myself thinking about my goals for the remainder of P90X2 Round 1, and where I am at this point. My weight and waist size have stayed about the same since I started, with a slight increase during the holiday weeks, […]

P90X2 Day 63: Recovery

I did not do any foam rolling today. To be honest, my fitness-related activities included updating this blog, playing with my son, and previewing the P90X2 P.A.P Lower DVD for tomorrow. I’m curious to see how the Phase 3 schedule works for me, because on the surface it looks repetitive, to be honest:

Day 1: […]

P90X2 Day 59: Recovery Week, Day 3

I wanted to watch TV during my foam roller session today, but it just didn’t work out. It was easier to work my way through the DVD as usual.

I did less foam rolling on my arms this time. My forearms don’t really need it, but my shoulders and biceps could probably benefit from a […]

P90X2 Day 57: Recovery Week, Day 1

The schedule for a P90X2 recovery week is much easier than it was for P90X. As a reminder (or an introduction, for those unfamiliar with P90X), the old schedule was a combination of stretching, yoga, core training (called “Synergistics”), and cardio (in the form of Kenpo-style karate exercises). Each activity was on a different day, […]

P90X2 Day 56: Recovery

There’s not much to report today, really. It was a busy Sunday, so I did not do any foam rolling. My recovery consisted of a lack of activity, along with a little overeating (not too crazy, though).

Over the past couple of days, it has occurred to me that I really need a recovery week. […]