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P90X2 Day 15: X2 Core

Today I decided to do a little more foam rolling (my soda bottle variation). If you can’t beat ’em… It really does take time to do it right. At this point, I will call it an even swap for stretching, although some studies indicate stretching before workouts is ineffective or even harmful (see item 1). […]

P90X2 Day 10: Recovery and Mobility

I put my foam roller substitute to the test today. I am getting better with the soda bottle, for sure, but I need to make my foam roller, which would at least be the right length (3 feet). I’m still not sure what the “hotel alternatives” are, but they are explained better than I thought […]

P90X2 Day 9: Plyocide

This is my second official week. In addition, I previewed this workout once or twice. I still find myself wondering, “Why are they pretending to arrive at the gym again? Isn’t this an at-home workout?” I laughed at the beginning of some of the P90X workouts, too, where they were in a pre-game huddle or […]

P90X2 Day 3: X2 Recovery and Mobility a.k.a. Foam Roller Infomercial

I have mentioned that I regret skipping or avoiding certain aspects of P90X, because they have returned to haunt me in P90X2. Here is another example: I was not very consistent about X Stretch. I was always careful to do the stretches before and after each workout, and it was nice to see “the kids” […]