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FWF: BeFit YouTube Channel (Free Workout Fridays)

30 Day Shred Level 1 on BeFit (YouTube)

Recently, I found my way to a YouTube channel called BeFit. To summarize, it’s a collection of sample exercise videos and infomercials from Lions Gate Entertainment. They distribute exercise DVDs by popular trainers including Jillian Michaels, Denise Austin, Jane Fonda and more. For example, check out the video for Jillian’s 30 Day Shred Level […]

FWF: Frugal Fitness (Free Workout Fridays)

Frugal Fitness founder Mike Schiemer

While searching for fitness-related humor, I came across a video posted by the Frugal Fitness website. Since my fitness budget is on the small side (one of the reasons I work out at home!), I thought this website might also be a good “free workout” pick. The site […]

FWF: Why should I pay, when I can get it for free? (Free Workout Fridays)

Just one of many free workouts! (

I really enjoy researching the relatively new series on the blog called Free Workout Fridays. There are so many free workouts available! It seems that as the popularity of infographics and Pinterest has grown, exercise lists have become an art form. Some workouts require no additional […]

FWF: Scientifically-proven and under 10 minutes (Free Workout Fridays)

7-minute abs

The Scientific 7-Minute Workout (NY Times blog)


I’m finding a lot of free workouts out there. How many of them can claim to be “scientifically proven” and take less than 10 minutes? Well, recently I found 2 of them, from different sources, making very similar claims.

First there’s The Scientific 7-Minute Workout, presented […]

FWF: The Hybrid Athlete (Free Workout Fridays)

I first heard about The Hybrid Athlete, led by Joe Vennare and his brother Anthony, from an unlikely source, when it comes to health and fitness: The Smart Passive Income Podcast with Pat Flynn. (I happen to know that Pat has gone through at least one round of P90X and maybe some other programs, […]