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FWF: BodyRockTV (Free Workout Fridays)

Lisa Marie demonstrates Switch Lunges

I was introduced to the dailyhiit website by Jason from Geek and Gamer Fitness. He is a user of the website, and was asking if anyone else had tried the workouts. This seemed like a perfect opportunity to check out another source for free workouts!

This site is […]

FWF: Bodylastics on YouTube (Free Workout Fridays)

Bodylastics (

Bodylastics (

I am a fan of the Bodylastics brand resistance bands. I have been using them for my workouts (particularly P90X and P90X2) when doing pull downs as a replacement for pull ups, because my basement has a low ceiling. Besides the pull down, there are so many exercises which can be done […]

FWF: Pinterest (Free Workout Fridays)

My Pinterest Boards

Let’s get this out of the way: I am a guy, talking about Pinterest. (Look to the right of this post for a link to my boards.) I have to admit that I don’t browse too much, but I can see the appeal of all those images, leading to all sorts […]

FWF: Ben Greenfield Fitness and Get Fit Guy (Free Workout Friday)

Photo from

Ben Greenfield is a sports nutritionist, personal trainer, and triathlete. He is also a podcaster. It’s no secret that I enjoy the Ben Greenfield Fitness podcast. I have mentioned Ben in the blog several times. In fact, Ben is the host of two podcasts: The previously-mentioned, self-titled one, and another called […]

FWF: Melissa Bender Fitness (Free Workout Fridays)

Note: I have come across several sites which offer free workout videos or exercise lists. I thought it would be fun to feature one site each Friday. Please let me know if you find these helpful, by commenting below or in the Facebook group. Thanks!

From Melissa Bender’s “About” page

I was introduced to Melissa […]